Monday, September 16, 2013

Coffee Table Hunt = Complete

      I have finally bit the bullet, pulled the trigger and purchased a coffee table. I'm not too sure how I feel about it though. Some days I love it and love the way it looks in my livingroom. Other days I simply think, 'why did I choose this one?' I'm so indecisive all the time, but I think I made the best choice for my current living room.
      For those of you wondering, I chose the white Carson Coffee Table from Target.
      It's on SUPER sale right now! I'm a little upset about it bacause I paid about $40 more than it's on sale for right now, and it was on sale then! I'll get over it though. It's the perfect size for my sectional (I did NOT check the measurements) and makes my livingroom look so crisp and clean. It's very nice.

      I was planning on posting a picture of what the living room looks like with the addition of the coffee table, but I decided that I would rather wait until I have the living room more together before I did that.

      What do you guys think of my coffee table choice?

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