Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fitness Goals

       Hey guys! My posts on Wednesdays are going to be fitness related. (Workout Wednesdays) Not all posts will be about workouts, but they will be about my fitness goals, my progress on my fitness journey as well as recipes and equipment that I am loving and using.

 Today is all about my fitness goals and how I plan on achieving them. What I don't want to do is 'lose weight' because I am not going to define my success by how much I weigh. Instead, I will define my success solely by how I feel.

1. Build muscle to be stronger
2. Have more energy
3. Feel better
4. Be less stressed

How I Will Achieve Them
1. Workout at least 3 times a week
2. Stop eating out as much
3. Drink more water

       Typically, people will get discouraged if they don't see the scale move or if it goes up instead of down. I don't want to be thin, I want to be strong. And strength means weight.

        I am really excited to start on my fitness journey and share it with you as well.


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