Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Carbonation Back Slide

       Hey you guys! So today I have a confession.. In the past week I have had 3 Cokes! And I'm working on my FOURTH!! What the heck is wrong with me?! Before you start judging and get upset that I have 'fallen off the bandwagon' let me explain.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Don't Keep Things Bottled Up

Hey you guys! Tuesdays are for tips! And today's tip comes from a VERY recent experience....

Don't keep things bottled up.

For example, if you're with someone and they do something that bothers you or they say something you don't like, or hurt your feelings... TELL THEM. Don't hold it in. Be direct, but also, make sure that you tell them in a loving way. Because chances are, your might hurt their feelings, so when you tell them something you don't like, be respectful of their feelings.

Monday, December 16, 2013


Hey you guys! So today for Motivational Monday, I want to talk to you about a big thing in motivation... LISTS. (I can hear the groans of those of you who hate them lol) Sorry, not sorry. Lists are a great way to keep yourself motivated and also a great way to evaluate your goals and measure progress.