Friday, January 10, 2014

Winter Date Night.. For Free!

Hey you guys! So Fridays since are the stereotypical 'date nights' and I've decided that for the time being Friday is going to be my day to talk all about the topic of love here on my blog. Today is all about Date Night and not spending a penny for it.

Now, yes, the economy is picking up but a lot of us are still struggling to make ends meet, let alone be able to take your significant other out for a date they deserve. When was the last time you had a dinner and movie date night? It's expensive now!

Even if you go to a restaurant with a 2 for $20 menu, you're still looking at least $35 for dinner after drinks and tip. And then $20 for 2 movie tickets, plus  those severely overpriced Rasinettes, popcorn and large drink. You're looking at another $35/$40 for the movies. That's $70 for about for one evening! Date Night has gone from a fun night out to a drain on the bank account and something you have to budget and plan for. And it's gone from a weekly occurrence to a once in a while treat.

Also, if you live in the northern hemisphere, it's winter right now, and there's not much that you can do in the winter. So today I have come up with 10 free date ideas. I will probably do more of these in the future, but these are the few that I came up.

1. Movie/TV show Marathon
My boyfriend and I just had a Harry Potter Movie Marathon starting the last weekend of 2013 and finishing with Deathly Hallows part 1 and 2 on New Years Day. You don't have to pick a movie series to watch though. You can each pick 2 movies and there you go.. 4 movies for the night. Or if you really want to cease to exist in the world, find a show on Netflix and grab some snacks.

2. Technology Free Night
Even if you can't do it for the whole night, turn off all electronic devises (Laptops, desktops, cell phones, tablets, TVs, everything.) and just enjoy spending time with each other. Talk, laugh, reconnect.

3. Game Night.
I love a board games! Candyland and Monopoly are my childhood favorites. There's also card games like Phase 10 and then there's the classics like Go Fish (which I used to think was called Gold Fish), War and Uno. You can play video games as well.

4. Learn Something
This can be something you teach each other. Does one of you know how to dance? Can one of you cook a mean meal? Can one of you sew a new outfit? Or learn something new together. Just Google something you both want to learn how to do. You can even go to the library and check out instructional books and movies.

5. Make a New Meal Together
Find a new recipe that you want to try and include the ingredient when you go grocery shopping. Then choose a night during the week when you have some extra time (and leftovers in case it doesn't go so well) and make the new meal together. Worst case, it turns out terribly and you have leftovers. Best case, you have a new meal to add to your rotation and you made it together. You can even eat it by candlelight.

6. Plan your dream vacation
Doesn't sound very date like? It can be. Plan everything; where you'll go, where you'll stay, how long you'll be gone for, what you'll do there, what you'll eat, etc. Write it all down. And then, after you have the total cost of it, make a plan to start saving for it. Even if you guys break up before you book the trip (if you're dating), half of what you guys saved will be yours to do whatever with.

7. Spend the Day at the Museum
Some Museums offer free admission on specific days. Check out your local museums and find out what days they have free admission. You can also check your local zoo as well (When we aren't knee deep in snow!). Pack a lunch and make a whole day of it!

8. Play a Sport
I'm sure you have a football, soccer ball or basketball lying around. Pick it up and play a game of one on one. Or you can even have a wrestling match. Just make sure that you have a safe word like 'oranges' and also that you aren't near furniture.

9. Build a snowman
Most of the United States is covered in snow right now. So make use of it. Bundle up and go outside and build a snowman. You can even have a snowball fight. When you're done, go inside put on some cozy warm clothes and make some hot coco.

10. Volunteer.
If you're not at a place in life where you can donate monetarily you can donate your time. most place would prefer if you gave your time. Find an animal shelter, soup kitchen, maybe even a woman's shelter in your area and call them up and see when they need volunteers. A lot of people help out during the holidays, but they probably need just as much help on average days as well. It can't hurt to pick up the phone and ask! And all it'll cost you is a little bit of gas and a few hours of your time. Yes, I am aware that this is not the most romantic date idea, but by doing it together you will strengthen your relationship. and hey, you might just find it's something you two want to keep doing together.

That's all for now! I hope you guys enjoyed this list of 10 free date ideas for winter. Do you have any other free winter date ideas? Leave them as a comment below!

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